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Pushkin: Catherine Palace and Park

Фотографии отеля Pushkin: Catherine Palace and Park
Фотографии отеля Pushkin: Catherine Palace and Park

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На машине
Low Season: Октябрь – Апрель
High Season: Май – Сентябрь
Продолжительность: 5 часов
Выходные: Вторник, Последний понедельник каждого месяца
We invite you to learn more about one of the most picturesque suburbs of St. Petersburg, the town of Pushkin named after a famous Russian poet, also know as Tsarskoye Selo (tsars’ village literally). The Catherine Park, an inseparable part of the ensemble and a very poetic place, is a magnificent work of creative labor of several generations of talented Russian architects, prominent sculptors, gardeners, and engineers, thousands of craftsmen and working people of various specializations.
Catherine Palace is the center of the composition of the park and the main landmark of Pushkin. During the palace excursion you will get to know about the mysterious history the Amber Room and see its splendid interiors, designed by eminent architects and recently restored. You will enjoy the result of restoration works performed by skilled masters, who needed all their professionalism to recreate the eighth wonder of the world.
The collection of the palace includes a large number of precious works of art, such as furniture, porcelain, statues, canvases, etc., including personal belongings of Russian emperors and members of their families.

car / mini-van with a driver

personal guide speaking your language (English, German, Spanish or French)

entrance fees to Catherine Palace and Park

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